Deadlines & Policies
Office Hours:
Monday through Thursday 8:30AM to 5:00PM
Friday 8:30AM to 1:00PM
Phone: 610-759-5000
Fax: 610-759-3031
Display Advertising
Wednesday at 12 noon
Paid Classifieds
Thursday at 11:00AM
Free Classifieds
Thursday at 10:00AM
Key’s Calendar
Wednesday at 10:00AM
Thursday at 10:00AM
Advertising Policy
- Prepaid Classified Ads may be cancelled at any time, but no credits or refunds will be given.
- Prepaid Display Ads will be cancelled at any time. Remaining credit balance will be held on account for future advertising. No refunds!
- The customer is responsible to check their ad the first week it is published.
- The Key reserves the right to edit or refuse ad copy due to content.
- No ads accepted with (900) phone number.
- The Key assumes no liability for the misrepresentation of facts in any ad appearing herein.
- There will be a $30.00 charge for any check returned from the bank unpaid.